Being Broke…

Money makes the world go round, and I obviously don’t make it go round all that much.

I used to be the kind of guy that gets his paycheck, pays a few bills, and then blows the rest on all the newest technology and games. Because of that, I had nothing to show for it, except for maybe a net worth of -$1200. Not anymore. I make maybe $250 bucks a paycheck after taxes (15 hours per week if I’m lucky) and I save almost every penny of it. It’s extremely tough, but I do it because I know I need to.

The best advice I can give anyone reading this is to start saving early. It is so tempting to blow your money on stupid things that you’ll never use ten days from now. I hardly ever eat out (I used to eat fast food almost every day) and I hardly ever buy anything for myself (the last thing I bought for myself was printer ink… yay!)

Saving is so tough, but it is so rewarding at the same time. You look at the amount of money you have in the bank and it just makes your eyes widen. I have almost $3000 saved up right now and I plan on having a total of $5000 (including Rachel’s savings) by the middle of April when we move out. That’s a lot considering the fact that I had $0 to my name in October and credit card debt of over a grand.

So that’s basically what we’re focusing on right now. We’re making sure that we’re going to be able to make it on our own without having to ask for help. I used to hate when my sister came home and begged my mom for 500 dollars so that she could pay her rent. I was just appalled at that. She makes like $40,000 per year and she can’t afford rent? She just partied too much and blew all her money on crap. Now she’s taking her $2000 tax return and she’s going on a cruise! How she lives with herself, I don’t know.

Somehow, I don’t know just how yet; but somehow we’re going to make ends meet. When I’m in college and there’s a baby crying at night and all that I’m probably going to go a little insane. I hope that’s allowed. There’s probably nothing harder than working a part-time job, going to school full-time, raising a child, and maintaining a healthy relationship with my girlfriend. But I will suffer through all of that because I believe we will make it someday. I believe we will make it to a point where we can live comfortably in a nice house, that’s all I want. I don’t want a fancy car or a fancy TV or a fancy anything. I just want to be able to spend time with my kid and girlfriend (hopefully wife by then). That will be the hardest thing to do at first.

Anyways, Rachel’s pregnancy is going great so far. Other than a few normal pains and aches she’s been feeling just fine. The baby’s due on June 2nd, and that’s creeping this way! I’m getting very very nervous because the delivery is going to scare me. Nothing else makes me that nervous. I can handle a baby just fine I hope (other than changing diapers).

I’m sorry about not posting as much recently. It’s so hard to post when you’re tired and grumpy because of school and work. I’m still doing it for you devoted readers out there! So keep reading… and keep leaving comments! 

Wish us luck!

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