Baby Stats

Name: Noah William Winters

Age: 0

Weight: 7 Lbs. 7 Ounces.

Length: 19 1/2 Inches

Date of Birth: May 30th, 2006

Time of Birth: 2:32 AM

Length of Labor: 19.5 hours

Hospital Born In: McKennan

I should be shot

I should be shot in the face (I'll need your help Dick Cheney) for not posting for so long. I have no excuses, but I do have regrets. I'm sorry about that for all my fans out there. Come back and look every week! I am now up to my last final exam tomorrow and then it will summer time for me! Then I will finally be able to come back and post like every other day. I'll post pictures, and probably alot of video of our new little baby.

Rachel is now only two weeks away from her due date. I'm starting to prepare myself mentally for this because I know I will have to be there to support my girl and if I'm freaking out, then she's freaking out. I'm going through a lot of the processes in my head to make sure I know exactly what's going to be happening and what I need to be doing. I try to always remember my phone because if I forget it, and she goes into labor, we're pretty much screwed.

So far, we've had no complications at all, which is suprising. Rachel feels relatively well, but she gets moody with me sometimes (get used to it boys). The moodiness doesn't bother me much because she apologizes relatively quickly and I know she can't help it. I'm just glad she's not puking 24/7 like some pregnant women do in their 3rd trimester.

We've found a daycare (I think) and hopefully it won't be ridiculously expensive if we get government help. Supposedly, since we're in school and we're working, we get a lot more hours than if you were just working (atleast the government got something right). I'm not sure what the name of the daycare is, and even if I did I probably wouldn't say anything for fear of a pedophile reading this article and wanting to go kidnap him. What a crappy world we live in…

We're still looking for a pediatrician, however, which blows. I actually talked to a very very nice guy at Best Buy one night while I was working. He was buying a vacuum and then all the sudden we're talking about babies and he's a pediatrician and wow you should be my baby's pediatrician. To make a short story long, I forgot the guy's name and I cannot find him in any directory ANYWHERE! Maybe he just lied and he's actually a gas station clerk. Hehe.

That's all I've got for now. Wish me luck on my last final (frickin Jazz class, I hate it). I'll probably post again before the baby comes. Sorry it took me so long to post!