It’s a boy! (Well, Maybe)

ultrasound, originally uploaded by jhackg0d.

Today was our doctor’s appointment. I felt fluttery as I went in the office because I knew we were going to find out if everything was going OK, and also what the sex of our baby was.

As you can see from this darling picture, we obviously had nothing to worry about. Our baby is in top shape and is coming right along at a normal pace. Whew!

As the nurse was doing the ultrasound, I realized that I could not make myself stop smiling. It was like this little kid in me coming out because I was so excited. It is a very cool feeling to watch your baby move around on a TV monitor… Trust me… I know cool, you don’t.

The nurse somehow found our baby’s bladder, kidneys, spine, brain, and of course heart. The heart was ticking away at the speed that would equal if you just ran a 10 mile marathon (147 beats per minute). I was amazed at how easily the nurse found and identified each organ. It was like Freshman year of highschool lab all over again.

The last part was the best. It was also the part I was most nervous about. I truly did not care if we were having a boy or a girl, but I was still nervous. The nurse said, “Do you want me to find out the sex of your baby?” And we agreed. Then she said (which I thought was kinda funny) “Let’s see if I can get a peak between the legs here.” It wasn’t but a millisecond after she got a shot between the legs that I noticed a little somethin’ dangling down. “A penis! A boy!” I screamed inside my head. The nurse then went on to say that she was “pretty sure it was a boy”.

Damn, I thought. “Pretty sure?” I didn’t know what to think. Minutes later, the ultrasound was over, and I was left hanging. “Was that really a penis I saw?”

A while after, we met with our doctor. She did some measurements, weight check, blood pressure…. you know, the usual. Then she asked what we were having and we were like, “Pretty sure it’s a boy”. Doc was furious… “Pretty sure? I’m gonna find out right now how sure the nurse was.” After speaking with the nurse, she informed us that the nurse was 98% sure that it was a boy. “Whew, I thought”. I’ll take those odds any day.

Rachel + Josh = Happy

Rachel + Josh = Happy, originally uploaded by jhackg0d.

Well, it’s a few days after Christmas and I have decided to give in and leave a post. I finally got the digital camera I wanted! It takes very good pictures, and I’m excited to take more and more pictures of Rachel and I and soon our baby.

There is not really any news to bring you other than that Rachel is doing fine! I am so glad that I had a nice break for Christmas where I could relax and recover from all the crappy stress from school.

As you can see, Rachel and I are still madly in love with eachother. I have set up a flickr account, which will let you look at all my photos when you click on one of them. I will be updating this with pics more often than I used to because pictures are way more fun than writing a huge long paragraph.

Tomorrow is our appointment with the doctor. We will (hopefully) be finding out the sex of our baby and I am very excited to see if it’s a boy or a girl. I will be happy either way. All I ask from God is that if it is a boy, make sure he’s got big strong arms to help mom and dad out. If it is a girl, make sure she’s very cute so that our family can spoil the hell out of her. That’s all I ask God! That’s it!

Happy New Year Everyone!