Happy Baby

Happy Baby, originally uploaded by jhackg0d.

So the saying goes, “They grow up too fast” and I’m already starting to feel the effects of that just a month into Noah’s life. It seems like he’s already gained a lot of weight and has been getting very strong. He did flip over again from his tummy to his back so we know for sure that it wasn’t just a random fluke. Other than that, he’s been healthy and happy so far.

As for being a dad goes, it’s very very tiring. I oftentimes feel like I don’t have a memory anymore. I forget things constantly… I’ve already been late to work at least 2 times because I’ve slept through alarms. But no matter how tired I get and no matter how frustrated I get, I’ve always got my little baby. It just makes me happy just looking down at him and seeing him smile or coo or burp. He’s just funny.

My friends and I went to a storm game (indoor football) last night and it was probably the first time I realized that I missed my baby. I hadn’t really been away from him for more than 8 hours and just then I realized that I missed him. Now he’s feeling more and more like my child. It’s not that he didn’t feel like my child from the start, but now I am starting to feel more and more attached to him. So, in my opinion, it does take some time to warm up to your baby.

A week from today, I will be starting my new job at CSD, and Rachel will be starting back at the bank. It’s going to be a huge challenge for a couple of weeks because I’ll be working roughly 65 hours (8-9:30 monday through friday). It will probably kill me, but I’ll let you know how it goes.

It sucks being a dad with no money, because you want to give your child everything, and when you have nothing you feel like you’re failing them. By the time he can understand what being poor is, he probably won’t be poor anymore, so I guess it doesn’t matter.

I hope everyone has a great and safe 4th of July holiday. Be careful! And don’t get wasted and drive because…… just ask my friend Jereme.