Baby Names!

Originally, the thought of coming up with baby names frightened me. Why, you ask? Well, I began to think of baby names well before I knew for sure that my honey-bunches of oats was pregnant. So everytime I began envisioning baby names, I would scare myself and began to not want to think about it.

Long before she became pregnant, she would always try to get me to come up with cute baby names. As a typical guy, I refused, as I was unsure about the whole “having a baby” business. Several weeks later, I decided I would make her happy and come up with a cute list of baby names. They are:


Adriel, Jaques, Jayden, Taylor, Romeo, Ryland, Noah, Josh, Josiah



Jada, Taya, Zada, Zoey, Joey, Randi, Reilly


Of course, she hated all of them… just kidding. She thought that Adriel, Jaques, Romeo, Josiah, Jada, Taya, Zada all sucked. The rest she thought were all right.

As of today, we’ve narrowed the list down to one boy and one girl name (unless it changes, because she changes her mind every time the wind blows) and they are Noah and Zoey.

Now you might think Noah is a “gay” name or a “biblical” name, but I have evidence that it isn’t, mind you. Just direct your browser here, type in the name Noah and you will find out what I’m talking about. The name Noah has shot up in rank since the 1980s and 1990s. It went from a rank of almost dead last of about 283 to a rank of 29th most popular. What a comeback!

Now you might think Zoey is a little on the “femmy” side or possibly a little “too futuristic”, but I have evidence to prove you wrong. Click here to return to the same website you were at, and this time type in Zoey. The name Zoe and variant Zoey has been on an absolute turnaround. In the 1970s, the name was not even in the top 1000! Holy mother of all that is holy! In 2004, the name ranked as 54th most popular. Not as popular as Noah, but hey, that’s still a good turnaround.

Please leave some reassuring comments that these names are extremely good and that you love them. I would appreciate that dearly.

Learning from a mother

As I was browsing many other websites with the tag of “pregnancy” I came across an interesting website that talked about babies reacting to mothers while in the womb. It can be found here:

I left a brief comment at the end of the page, and received a very nice email from the author of the website.

She taught me some things that I think people ought to know.

1) Breastfeeding is awesome!

Why? — “breast feeding is one of the best ways to nourish your baby. It has all the omega 3’s that build a healthy brain, it passes on the immunity from the mother to the baby so they don’t get as sick (and builds a healthy immune system for life). And it reduces the mom’s chance of breast cancer in the years ahead”.

Also — “It’s much less expensive to breastfeed your baby.”

That’s why breastfeeding is awesome.

2) WIC is awesome!

If you do not have a very high income, and you are pregnant, you should be eligible for WIC. WIC is a program which provides funds for a mother to eat healthy, and also funds for the child until the age of 5. According to the author of the website, they are very generous when it comes to income guidelines.

Technorati Tags: breastfeeding, pregnancy, WIC, baby genious