1st Awkwardness with Noah

So, last night I went to a CPA meeting so I could get 5 pts extra credit for my accounting class. I couldn’t find anyone to watch Noah and daycare was already closed. So I had to settle for bringing him with.

Initially, I thought that it would be no big deal… right? Wrong! The first thing I did when I walked in the door was ask somebody if this was the right room to be in. A random guy looked at me, then down at Noah, gave me a weird look, and then responded, “This is the CPA room… I gotta go to the bathroom” and kinda ran into me. AWKWARD!!!

Once I got in the room I had to sign in… piece of cake… because my teacher was there to hold him while I signed up. He’s like, “I got four of my own, I know how this works”. My teacher (Dick) is a pretty funny guy… too bad Noah didn’t spit up on him. That would’ve been hilarious.

So after I signed in, I found a spot to sit down. As I walked to sit down, everybody and their brother, mother, and cousin was staring at me. Noah was being good, not crying or anything. I guess it’s just not socially acceptable for a dad to bring his son to a CPA meeting or something.

Once the meeting started and it got quiet, Noah, being his typical self decided to start whimpering. So I took him out of his car seat and tried to console him. By chance, he had to have a stuffy nose, so when he was breathing everyone could hear him snorting like a pig. So I had like 12 people turn around to see what was going on. I wanted to say, “Sorry, have you not heard a baby snort before?” Hehe.

Then for some ungodly reason they decided to have a “Knights of the round” session where people circled up and asked CPAs some questions. I tried to sit there with Noah, and he was good for about 5 mins. He kept looking at the lady sitting next to me, who was a CPA, and smiled at her. It was hilarious because she wouldn’t even look at him. Then he started screaming for a couple of seconds so I stood up, in front of everybody, and walked behind them so I could stand and rock him.

Thank God, after about 10 mins of that (my arm nearly fell off) he finally fell asleep. Then everyone got to have pizza! Including me! All the older moms were coming up to me and asking me all kinds of questions about him. “What’s his name… how old is he… is he gay?” just kidding about the last one… 

All in all it was a slightly embarassing experience and I hope I will not have to do it again sometime very soon. So for those of you out there… if you see a dad with his baby in public in a quiet, formal setting… don’t stare at him please. Not even if you follow it up with a smile. Thanks!

Life With a 4 Month Old

There’s no way around it… kids are fun. Well, some of the time.

Let’s be honest with ourselves here… changing diapers is not fun. Making bottles and feeding baby is not fun. Neither is sitting there listening to them cry and nothing you do can soothe them.

But… when it’s all said and done, they’re worth it.

What I mean by this is that it’s an incredible feeling watching your son or daughter progress and learn new things and have fun. Right now, Noah’s starting to laugh and show his wacky personality (not too distant from his father’s personality) … and it’s generally a joy to hang out with him and try to make him smile.

 On the flip side, I’m finding out that parenting is a lot like work. Most of parenting is hard, messy, frustrating, tiring, etc. But what people have to realize is that all of that doesn’t matter. Eventually baby grows out of all the