Moving Day!


As you can tell from Noah jumping over some plastic bunny rabbit bowling pins next to a heaping pile of moving boxes, we moved recently.

Just over a month ago, our family of three decided that it was time to say goodbye to the shack and the bucket that we had been living in for the past two years. OK, it wasn’t THAT bad, but there was plenty to complain about: loud neighbors, no garage, no yard, did I say loud neighbors?, crappy maintenance guys, etc.

Literally the last night we stayed there, our neighbors were running up and down the stairs as loud as they could at 1 AM. So, needless to say, I was more than happy to move on out.

So Rachel and I are 21 and 22 years old, and somehow we managed to fall in love with a house and get approved for a home loan. Together of course, they become a deadly combination.

78,000 pieces of signed and initialed papers later… we had our first home, and thus, our first serious debt.

Moving day was always lovely. It was April 25th, so you would think… oh…. nice spring moving weather. NO! What we got was about 6 inches of snow. Some places in South Dakota got over a foot of snow! So I guess we feel lucky. By some miracle of God, we moved everything we had in just a few short hours. Unpacking went almost nearly as fast.

One thing I did learn is that I suck at painting. My mom-in-law decided that it would look better to paint our wall adjacent to the kitchen. She says, “Yeah Josh, you can just put another coat on tonight”. Well, I blew it. I left gouges in the wall, streaks all over the place and even managed to paint the white ceiling brown. I suck.

Now we are all cozied in. I will be uploading some pics of our new place soon!