Spring Break… for losers

Finally Finally Finally…. it is spring break. Boy oh boy do I need it. I haven’t posted for so long because I was just too busy. Now that I have a week off I thought I’d give all of you a little bit of an update.

Rachel and I had a little bit of a scare last weekend. We were in the hospital for all of about 3 hours. I was scared out of my mind that something bad was going to happen, mainly because I’m a pessimist like that. I almost understand what it would be like to lose a baby at birth. It’s a very terrible feeling to have. Thank the Lord, the baby is fine and so is Rachel. We now have to go to the doc about every other day it seems like to make sure she and the baby are still fine.

One good thing did come of this scary event however. When we first got there we had to get an ultrasound done to make sure that baby was doing OK. While the ultrasound was going on, the technician said, “Do you know what you’re having yet?” And we said, “We kinda think it’s a boy because they didn’t say for sure on the first ultrasound.” He said, “Well, we better find that out right about now then.” So now we know for 99.9999999% sure that it’s going to be a boy.

We also found out recently that my mom is actually an armed bank robber. It’s true. As she was walking out of the bank the other day, she found herself surrounded by at least six police cars. Turns out that the clerk accidentally hit the panic button while she was doing a transaction. Too bad it wasn’t an easy button 😦

Anyways, now that it’s spring break I plan on accomplishing a whole amount of tasks… like reading a book and doing homework. But that probably won’t happen. I will sit around and do nothing and play video games and sleep in for the most part. I also plan on spending a lot of time with Rachel since we haven’t got to see much of eachother lately because we work and go to school all the time.

Life is good though. We’ve been working a lot and saving money. That’s really all we’ve been doing. We’re still waiting to move out into the townhouses we want. The punk A** B**** A** lady who owns the townhouses all the sudden switched us from being the 2nd on the waiting list to number 4. Don’t ask me how it happened. I think she’s taking bribes, seriously. It sounds screwed up, but I’m sure it gives her a little extra cash on the side so she can make her office wreak of smoke the way it does. Wow, that feels better now that I’ve got that off my chest.

Well I hope you’re all doing well. Wish us luck in the next few months here. I can’t wait to start posting pictures of my lil’ boy soon!

Two Years in the Making

lots o’ tickets, originally uploaded by jhackg0d.


Rachel and I have officially been dating for two years! At times, it seems like we met 100 years ago. But most the time, it seems like we met just yesterday.

I decided to make this night special, since ya know, we won’t have the cash to go out once we have our bundle of joy.

I started with a killer gift. I gave her (so far) 2 books. One book is a graphic design book which gives a designer a whole bunch of ideas. She loved it (I think, but she was probably lying). I also gave her a book called “125 games a genius baby plays”. It’s a book which tells you what kind of games you should play with your baby so they can basically be Einstein.

After that, we hit up Johnny Corino’s. Great bread… great pasta… great price. I was impressed. The funny thing was, is that I faked Rachel out and told her we were going to Olive Garden (she isn’t a HUGE fan or anything) and then I said I accidentally missed the exit, and then just drove to Johnny Corino’s. I got her good! hehe.

Then we stopped by Gigglebees, which just so happens to be the funnest place EVER. We bought 40 tokens and had a blast. We started playing the colored ball game where you guess where the ball will land and the tokens kept getting stuck. The repair man had to have been pissed by the end of the night.

We ended up getting a firetruck, a rubix cube, a St. Patricks Day necklace, and 10 little army men. So all in all we came out pretty good I thought.

We had a lot of fun. She was ridiculously cute and sweet and funny tonight too, you shoulda seen her.

Anyways, I am so glad Rachel is a part of my life. I hope and pray that we have many more anniversaries to come. Maybe soon we’ll be celebrating a marraige anniversary. Who knows?

I will be posting a photo show of our date once google video approves that there is no porn on it.

Have a great week everyone!